If you wish to make your windows like Mac OS this is the right place. An image of my windows is given ........ How is it?
If you want to get the dock in the background you will have to download the dock software. Try it it is small in size.
Now install the small app and open it. You will see the icons arranged in the bottom of the screen. This dock is originalistic. There are many types of docks from which this is one of the famous one called Rocket Dock.
If you want you windows to look like Mac OS download the Mac theme on your computer. The download link is given below
Theme Download
You might not like the desktop icons so right click
on your desktop. Click the view option from the options and unselect show desktop icons.
If you want to minimize the taskbar right click on it and click properties. Now tick the box showing hide the taskbar.
The dock is highly customisable. Some of the images which I caught are given below
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